I’m sure you’ve experienced getting sick while on vacation or immediately after traveling. We’ve all been there and it’s really not very surprising. It’s hard to stay healthy while traveling. When we travel we put our bodies through a lot. We’re around a ton of people, some of which are potentially sick. We eat different foods that our body is used to. We don’t have access to our normal resources for exercise and even sleep. I’m sure you can think of a few more. There are more than a handful of things we tend to do differently to our bodies when traveling that can send our systems into overdrive.
Fortunately, there are some very simple things you can do to keep your body in check and stay healthy while traveling. I have seven tips to tell you about, that I live by while traveling and have found to help tremendously to keep me healthy. Whether you incorporate all of them into your travel regiment or just a few, they will surely help you stay healthy while traveling!
Like your mom always told you, wash your hands! While traveling, it’s important to wash or sanitize your hands regularly. Just think about how many things you touch throughout your day of traveling, that everyone else is touching too. It’s a lot of touching! First off, trying your best to touch as few things as possible, will cut down your chances of picking up bad germs.
Also, try not to touch your face as that’s a common way people get sick. The average person touches their face nearly four times per hour, so just try to be aware. Next time you travel, think about carrying hand sanitizer and maybe even some sanitizing wipes to clean off the tray and armrests in your plane seat.
Sit Near the Window With Your Air Vent On
Airborne viruses are transmitted by tiny droplets that can stay in the air for up to five hours. To combat these possible droplets, you can simply turn on your personal air vent. By aiming your overhead vent in front of your face, it will create an invisible air barrier to protect you from unwanted lingering particles. Also, sitting by the window will give you the cleanest air. Most airplanes have vents below the windows that lead to the HEPA ventilation system that cleans the air.
Stay Hydrated by Drinking Plenty of Water
During an average five hour flight you can lose a liter of bodily water. This equates to losing 1-2% of your hydration, which can impact health, mood, fatigue, and irritability. Instead of getting that Coca-Cola or Coffee, you might want to request water, or at least ask for both.
What my wife and I do is take our [earnist_link ref=”hydro-flask-24-oz” id=”6231″]Hydro Flasks[/earnist_link] and fill them up after we get through security. Most airports now have water bottle filling stations that make it super easy to stay hydrated without spending five dollars for a water bottle.
[earnist ref=”hydro-flask-24-oz” id=”6231″]
[earnist_link ref=”organifi-green-juice-super-food-supplement” id=”6266″]Drink a Green Juice Supplement[/earnist_link]
The number one thing I do personally to stay healthy while traveling is take my [earnist_link ref=”organifi-green-juice-super-food-supplement” id=”6266″]Organifi Green Juice[/earnist_link] supplement daily. Most of us (me included) don’t always eat the healthiest while traveling. Hamburgers, pizza, french fries, pasta… vegetables?!? It’s much harder to eat nutritious meals and to get the vegetables needed by our bodies when we’re not at home. While I do try to be conscious of what I’m eating while on vacation, it’s just easier to take a supplement to make sure I’m getting what I need every single day.
I actually choose to take Organifi Green Juice every day, whether I’m traveling or not. It’s perfect because it’s easy and it actually tastes surprisingly good. All you do is pour either a scoop or travel packet into a glass of water. Then mix it up, and drink it down. It mixes very easily, which is nice while staying in a hotel with limited utensils and containers. And like I said, it tastes good with a similar taste to green tea.
I’ve personally been taking Organifi for nearly a year now, and have not been sick even once (knock on wood)! I find that to be pretty incredible since I travel often and my wife is an elementary teacher who brings home all kinds of germs and colds from her students. All I can say is I’m a big believer in this product as it’s worked wonders for me. Organifi has been nice enough to give my readers an exclusive 15% off all orders. Just use code RYANK15 at checkout!
While blood clots are not a common problem caused by flying, getting swollen legs, ankles and feet are. The longer your flight is, the higher your risk of this happening is. While moving your legs, getting up to walk around, and drinking plenty of water can greatly help, many people are turning to compression socks for good reason.
Compression socks fit snuggly, feeling like a light hug around your legs (if they hurt, you have the wrong size). What they do is squeeze your legs enough to efficiently increase blood circulation, cutting down your risk of swelling and the possibility of DVT or blood clots. Compression socks are a cheap and now fashionable way to stay healthy while traveling.
Exercise and Stretch while on Vacation
It doesn’t matter how you do it, but get some kind of physical activity and movement each day while traveling. It could be at your hotel gym, on a hike, going for a run, stretching at a park, swimming… Anything! If you aren’t staying at a hotel with a gym, there are a few alternatives to maintain your muscles. You can use stretchy resistance bands or TRX style bands that are easily packable. Push-ups and sit-ups are also always an option. You may even be able to find a place to be able to do some pull-ups.
It’s easy to skip out on your regular exercise routine while on vacation, but it can be just as easy to get it done. Don’t let excuses like fatigue, or lack of resources get in your way of staying healthy while traveling. It can be done without much extra effort!
Stay Healthy While Traveling
Don’t let travel get the best of your health next time. Take these tips and keep them in mind while you’re traveling. That way you can stay healthy even when you’re not at home. I’ve been practicing these tips and find them to be very beneficial. No one likes being sick. Taking a few precautions and adding a few tasks to your routine can really pay off. Your body will thank you!
Ryan loves to travel. He learned the power of using points and miles for travel way back in 2012 and hasn't looked back. Ryan's favorite place to travel is to Hawaii, where he's explored each of the main islands. Travel has changed his life for the better and opened him up to new experiences!